From August 2020 until December 2021 I've been spending my free time working on CTDL-GAME which was meant to be an 8-bit game featuring hodlonaut and katoshi as main heroes. The game heavily features memes and stories that happen within the bitcoin culture. The game has never been finished as I couldn't dedicate enough time to this project but the soundtrack had grown to great proportions. Thus I want to salvage the music and make it available as an OST for those who enjoy 8-bit music. The music is played from within the game engine using the browser Audio API. I first intended to orient the sound to how the NES generates audio but decided to free myself a little from the restrictions. So there are 8 tracks in total: 2 pulse, 1 square, 1 triangle, 1 sine, 1 sine forming a bass drum, and 2 noise oscillators. The code of the game is open source and can be found here: